G Suite can help improve your company’s efficiency

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G Suite can help improve your company's efficiency

G Suite can help improve your company’s efficiency

In the fall of 2016, Google rebranded its decade-old “Google Apps for Work” as “G Suite.” While the name is a bit more simplified and more streamlined, the heart of what it does is pretty much the same: offers cloud computing tools for businesses of all sizes.


The biggest difference, other than the name, is that Google upgraded all of its G Suite apps. Where the product was once good, it has become truly excellent. Because of the new updates, it’s worth updating yourself on G Suite. Here are four big things you need to know:


1. It’s not free, but it is worth it.
2. It’s smarter than ever.
3. It has more versatile security features.
4. It’s highly social.


Read full article at: https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/290960

G Suite Learning Center: https://gsuite.google.com/learning-center/

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